SMS Appointment Reminder

Reduce no-shows, save valuable time and increase your R.O.I.

sms profit  builder

Use SMS Appointment Reminders to Alert
Customers and Patients of their Appointments

With SMS Profit Builder you can schedule and send appointment reminders to your customers, clients or patients ensuring they won't forget a scheduled appointment they made.

How Do You Send A Text Reminder?

sms reminder
Browse for your contacts then easily schedule a text message to send out to them at a specific date and time.

An excellent way for companies to lower no-shows because their clients or patients forgot an appointment, which saves valuable time and money.

Works excellent in the medical field for doctors and dentists, and even for salons/spas and dining establishments for reservations.

A Few of the Features of Our  SMS Client Reminder System

  • Confirm, Cancel, and Reschedule Appointments

    You can setup confirm, cancel, and reschedule settings which will determine what to do when the contact texts in your particular keywords.
  • Customized Keywords and Auto-reply Messages

    You can create a keyword for all status, a custom auto-reply text message which will text back the contact when that keyword is texted in, and a customized email will be delivered to whatever email address you entered when the contact texts in the confirm, cancel, or reschedule keyword.
  • Notify Your Team of Confirmed and Cancelled Appointments

    The office administrator or appointment setter will be notified of the confirmation or cancellation. You can also set a customized appointment color option for each status which will set the appointment calendar different colors and status background color when the contact texts in the confirm, cancel, or reschedule keyword.
sms reminder software
text appointment reminders
sms profit builder
 Powered By Strategic Commerce |100 West Road, Towson MD, 21204
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